Acceptance – C0.H0.M0.L0_ALL_OK

▼ Criticality
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Use cases
01Application login 02Application logout 03Change of user's personal data 04Cancelling the registration (enrollment) to a subject 05Displays subjects with passed examination 06Subject enrollment 07Cancellation of registered exam date 08Registration of a new exam date 09Displays all examination participants - classmates 10Cancellation of registered subject 11Displays students registered in the subject 12Cancellation of the exam date 13Displays all examination participants 14Announcement of a new exam date 15Enters the examination evaluation 16Enters or reenters (changes) the evaluation of the examination 17Signs up to teach a subject 18Displays the list of teachers and subjects they teach 19Restoration of the database 20Displays information about system's abilities 21Export of the database 22Import of the database
3list of RQM for UC.01 2list of RQM for UC.02 18list of RQM for UC.03 3list of RQM for UC.04 2list of RQM for UC.05 5list of RQM for UC.06 2list of RQM for UC.07 6list of RQM for UC.08 4list of RQM for UC.09 3list of RQM for UC.10 2list of RQM for UC.11 5list of RQM for UC.12 2list of RQM for UC.13 9list of RQM for UC.14 6list of RQM for UC.15 12list of RQM for UC.16 4list of RQM for UC.17 2list of RQM for UC.18 4list of RQM for UC.19     4list of RQM for UC.22
AcceptanceAcceptance tests 98 3 2 18 3 2 5 2 6 4 3 2 5 2 9 6 12 4 2 4     4