Here you can download all relevant files:
- Defect-free clone UIS—current version 1.7.2 for Java 11 (WAR file)
- GUI TestRunner—runner of all existing functional tests; for Windows only (ZIP file)
- unzip in C:\
- check paths in configuration/configurations.txt
- check versions of web drivers in drivers/ and possibly download versions corresponding to your web browsers from the Selenium download page
- how to use it see on Testing page
- State diagram of the student’s and teacher’s parts (SVG file) and its description (XML file), the input file for Oxygen tool
- ErrorSeeder (JAR file)
- Students-Teachers-Subjects-NoRelation_DB.xml—a file for import to UIS
- Requirements, test cases and results in Squash TM
- Squash TM version 1.21.0 used for experiments
- full description of requirements (rqm-uis.json) and test cases (tc-uis.json)
- detailed description of requirements (RQM-report.pdf) and test cases (TC-report.pdf)
- plugin for import into Squash TM—Squash-plugin-CLI.jar
- ZIP of all importable results from testing of defect clones—
- how to use it see on Testing page
- Acceptance test with Robot Framework
- full results of all tests (
- UIS acceptance tests (GitLab)
- Source codes:
- List of all ID used in UIS (Java file)
- UIS application (GitLab)
- Functional support—Selenium, Log4J2, JUnit5 (GitLab)
- UIS functional tests (GitLab)
Defect clones
A set of 28 defect clones have been prepared based on defect-free clone 1.7.2.
Defect clone of UIS can be run the same way as defect-free clone.
Defects can be injected into five parts of UIS application:
- StudentService (abrev. S_S)—activities in student's part of UIS
- TeacherService (abrev. T_S)—activities in teacher's part of UIS
- DateUtility (abrev. D_U)—date and time operation
- GradeDAO (abrev. G_D)—grading of exam's result (A, B, C, D, E, F)
- UserDAO (abrev. U_D)—activities with logged user (student or teacher)
A defect clone can be composed of any combination of these parts. But in the most cases defect clone is composed only of one defect part and remaining four parts are without defect, which allows an exact description of failures of each defect clone.
A future experimenting user can easily prepare such defect clone which will perfectly suit his/her needs only by composing of several one defect parts .
For experimental purposes only there is one defect clon which is composed of all five defect parts: UIS-C2.H2.M1.L0_M_CR (M_CR stands for "Most CRitical").
The begining of the name of defect clone signifies the severity of injected defect. Of course a value of severity is only estimated by the creator of the defect clone. Information about severity is composed from letters C (Critical severity), H (High), M (Medium) and L (Low), followed by numbers which display a sum of individual injected defects in each category. Defect-free application has a label C0.H0.M0.L0 whereas defect clone can have e.g. a label C0.H3.M1.L4, which means “zero critical defect, three defects with high severity, one medium defect and four low defects”. This part is prepared automatically by ErrorSeeder application.
You can obtain detailed information about each defect clone by clicking on the nickname of the defect.